June 21, 2013

More than one-third of American adults and one-in-five children now officially have a disease. The American Medical Association has declared obesity to be a disease, rather than a chronic condition or disorder. The AMA hopes the move will influence policy changes and lead to more health insurance coverage for obesity treatments. Source Link

A new study says that reducing the number of unnecessary and high-dose CT scans given to children could cut their lifetime risk of associated cancers by up to two-thirds. CT scans that use x-rays to show cross-sectional images of the body are frequently used in cases of children’s injuries, and have been identified as a procedure that could be overused. Source Link

Is that young computer expert in the family looking for a part-time job? Microsoft is recruiting people to help find and fix major security holes in their Windows operating system. The company will pay up to $150,000 and anyone 14 or older can participate in the program, but minors will need their parent’s permission. Source Link