October 14, 2014

This could be good news for many home budgets. An Energy Department forecast calls for a less severe winter and lower heating costs for most Americans. Natural gas and electric heating bills will be slightly less, with the bigger savings for those who heat with oil and propane. Source Link

It isn’t just prescription drugs that can lead to dangerous drowsy driving. The FDA is warning that nonprescription antihistamines, anti-diarrheals, and anti-nausea medications can impair your ability to drive. Carefully read the labels of nonprescription medicines before you take them, especially if you know you're going to be driving. Source Link

A new online service can give you a replacement house key with a click of your smartphone camera. Keysduplicated.com uses a photo of your key to make a perfect duplicate. But some are concerned that the service could also make it easier for criminals to break in using keys made from sneaky snapshots. Source Link