December 29, 2015

When it comes to long-term survival of breast cancer, a less-invasive surgery might be just as good. A large study found that a lumpectomy with radiation treatment had the same survival rate as a mastectomy with reconstruction. The mastectomy is more costly and has more complications after surgery. Source Link
On second thought, it may not be simple bad luck that leads to most cases of cancer. A new look at data from a previous study concluded that nine out of 10 cancers are probably caused by environmental and lifestyle risk factors. The earlier study came under fire for claiming that most cases of cancer were random. Source Link
It might look like a sloppy way to get a drink, but your dog is really quite efficient when he dives into the water dish. High-speed photography shows how a dog curls his tongue to draw up water and then bites down to capture it in the mouth. Cats are more delicate when drinking and barely touch the surface of the water. Source Link