September 27, 2016

Pressing “Delete” or dropping a file into the trash on your computer or smartphone doesn’t mean it’s gone and it could come back to haunt you if you sell that used device. A survey found that over 40 percent of used phones and laptops had personal information that could be easily recovered. Experts suggest you use special data deletion software or destroy the device. Source Link
If you want your child to avoid food allergies it may be best to add them to their diet when they’re babies. A review of studies found that introducing babies to eggs or peanuts early on may help reduce their risk of food allergies. Children had a lower allergy risk when they began eating eggs and peanuts at about 6 months old. Source Link
So what’s the price tag for holding down a full-time job? Would you believe $3,600 a year?  A new survey came up with that number which includes about $1,200 a year on gas for the commute to work and another $1,500 on food including lunches and those morning coffees. You might save some of that by using deductions for business expenses on your income tax return. Source Link