November 15, 2016

Road rage is a problem for three out of four American drivers. A study by AAA found that half of those surveyed admit to purposely tailgating and nearly as many yell at over drivers or honk the horn in anger. An estimated 8 million drivers have purposely bumped or rammed another vehicle, or left their car to confront another driver. Source Link
Experts say you should brace yourself for an ever busier holiday season at the nation’s airports. After a summer of significant slowdowns at security checkpoints, managers expect the holidays to be worse with record numbers of travelers and problems with wrapped gifts that don’t make it through check-in. The best advice is to plan on two hours or more to get to your gate. Source Link
Call it the “Amazon Prime” effect. All those deliveries call for more truck drivers and big rig pilots are atop an annual survey of jobs with the fastest wage growth. Warehouse workers who pick and pack those items are also seeing wages rise faster, and medical assistants and registered nurses are cashing bigger paychecks. Slumping prices at the pump have dampened pay for energy workers. Source Link