November 22, 2016

Can a C-section make it more likely your child will be obese? Researchers found that children born via Cesarean section were 40 percent more likely to be overweight or obese by age 7. Babies pick up beneficial microbes from their mother as they pass through the birth canal, and it’s believed that these microbes might help protect a child against obesity.  Source Link
Health problems associated with e-cigarettes are nothing to smile about. That’s because studies show that the chemicals in vapor from an e-cigarette could be harmful to your gums and teeth. E-cigarettes also contain nicotine, which is known to contribute to gum disease. Source Link
If you’re worried about cyber security on your smartphone or home computer, here are some tips from the experts.  Use free services like Signal or WhatsApp for encryption that will  keep all your text messages private. A  free password manager can create powerful passwords that you don’t have to remember. And cover your webcam when you’re not using it to prevent a hacker from getting a secret look at you. Source Link