January 5, 2017

If your New Year’s resolution is to overcome a fear of the dentist, a trip to the therapist might be your first step. A study found that eight out of ten patients who had five sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy were able to undergo dental treatment without sedation. Another option is to bring earphones and listen to your own relaxing music while you’re in the dentist’s chair. Source Link

It’s a healthy snack for kids that could be deadly if eaten the wrong way. Health experts are warning that young children should not eat whole grapes because of the risk of choking. Grapes and cherry tomatoes should be cut in half or quartered. Grapes, hot dogs and candy are the most common foods that cause choking. Source Link

Putting your skills to work to build your income in 2017 may be easier than you think. If you’re an Instagram master try sites like Instaprints.com that help you sell prints of your original photos. Crafters can use Etsy.com to sell their handmade wares and budding authors could self-publish an e-book with Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform. Source Link