February 22, 2017

Is that morning wake-me-up or afternoon beverage break adding to your waistline? A study found that flavorings, cream and sugar in coffee and tea can make a difference when counting those calories. Drinkers who added plenty of fat and sugar to their coffee or tea could add up to 10 pounds a year in weight. Source Link
Grocery shopping in full color may be your first step toward a healthier heart. Choose foods with lots of natural color by starting in the produce section to stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid white breads, white potatoes and white rice and check labels for added sodium and sugar that can be found in many processed foods. Source Link
Imagine if your glasses could adjust focus as fast as your eyes to keep everything instantly sharp. A new kind of eyewear uses an infrared sensor to measure distance and liquid lenses that can change focus in a fraction of a second. The smart glasses could be available to the public in a few years. Source Link