October 27, 2017

We always hear that it’s important to get enough sleep, and here’s an easy way to see if your slumber is sufficient. On the weekend, don’t set an alarm and sleep until you wake up on your own. If that’s longer than your typical shuteye, adjust your weekday routine to get that much sleep every night. Source Link

So where’s the best place to stand at a party or business event if you want to meet new people? Studies have shown that typical busy spots like the entrance, near bathrooms or at the food table don’t generate good contacts. Try the area at either end of the bar or right near the host to meet more new people. Source Link

 Things like yoga, Tai Chi and meditation may improve your health because you can feel it in your genes. Research found that these activities can reverse molecular reactions in DNA. This can help the brain steer our DNA processes along a path to defend against poor health and depression. Source Link