Switching your family to bottled water for better health may backfire in one way. New research shows children and teens who avoid tap water have lower levels of lead in their blood but are also more likely to have tooth decay. Most municipal water is fluoridated to protect teeth but older water systems may have higher lead levels. Source Link
The home nursery has gone high-tech with gadgets to safeguard babies and soothe the nerves of new parents. The Hisense Breathing Monitor attaches to a crib to keep track of baby’s movement and breathing rate. The MonBaby Smart Button monitor clips to an infant sleeper and the Owlet Baby Sock monitors heart rate and oxygen level from your baby’s foot. Source Link
How can you shop for the holidays without a store? Experts suggest an “experience gift” that can help create a memorable moment. This could be tickets to a concert or play, an introductory flight lesson or a cooking class. And the best gifts are experiences that can be shared with someone else. Source Link