Why is it important to get a good night’s sleep? Researchers found that just one sleepless night may cause the brain to fill with the substance linked to the development of Alzheimer's disease. Beta amyloid clumps together between neurons to form plaques that hamper the brain's ability to function. Source Link
Don’t ignore the scale and expect to crunch your way to washboard abs. Health experts say you need the one-two punch of exercise to firm muscle and diet to reduce fat. You can intensify ab workouts by increasing the number of reps per set and number of sets, shortening the resting time between sets and wearing ankle weights or holding a weight plate against your chest. Source Link
A trip to the phone store may not get you the best model a great price. Nine out of ten people purchase a phone from their carrier but most phone stores have few models beyond the best sellers. You can purchase your phone directly from the manufacturer and many offer as good or better features for less than the typical $700 iPhone or Samsung Galaxy. Source Link