May 24, 2018

Could genetic testing help you battle depression? A study found that people who used a special genetic test to pinpoint the right antidepressant were 50 percent more likely to achieve remission after eight weeks. The GeneSight test looks for things in your genetic makeup that might prevent a particular drug from working. Source Link 
The 20/4/10 rule can show how much car you can afford. If you make a 20 percent down payment and take out a four-year loan, your monthly car expenses should be no more than 10 percent of your monthly gross income. That total includes the loan payment and cost of gas and auto insurance. Source Link 
America is becoming a land of voluntary shut-ins as a new survey says one in four people typically spend almost 24 hours a day indoors. The habit may have health implications because indoor air can be more polluted. Experts say if you’re indoors a lot you should avoid burning candles, use a fan when cooking and open windows a few times a day to get fresh air. Source Link