Facebook is ready to play matchmaker if you want to be more than just friends. The world’s largest social network will offer an online dating service for the more than 200 million members who identify themselves as single. The dating feature would use its own messaging channel and personal information separate from what’s shared with Facebook friends. Source Link
You probably don’t need prescription pain relievers after a visit to the dentist. A study found that over-the-counter medications like Advil, Motrin or Tylenol were more effective at relieving dental pain than opioids such as Vicodin or Oxycontin. Unused narcotics have been blamed for fueling the nation’s opioid epidemic. Source Link
“Text neck” is the pain that happens when you spend too much time staring down at a cellphone screen. You can remedy this by holding your phone just below eye level and taking breaks to stretch your neck, shoulders and back. You can also avoid eye strain that causes headaches by adjusting smartphone settings to improve brightness and use larger fonts. Source Link