September 11, 2018

You might jumpstart that weight loss plan by getting most of your food by Noon. In a study, people who ate 70 percent of their daily calories between breakfast and lunch lost 25 percent more weight. The early eaters also lost more body fat and used insulin more effectively, which can help prevent diabetes. Source Link 
Google is making it easier for veterans to find the right job after serving their country. Search the phrase “jobs for veterans” and include your military job code to see listings for positions that require similar skills. It’s estimated that one in three veterans leave the military and take a civilian job that’s below their skill level. Source Link 
Here’s how to craft a perfect response to that caustic office email without risking your job. Open your word processor and take a few minutes to let loose with all your feelings and then save that document to a special folder. Return to the folder later to read the reply and others that you’ve saved to remind you of mistakes that were avoided by not hitting “Send.” Source Link