Who goes to the doctor when they aren’t sick? Smart people. The annual wellness visit offers you and your doctor an opportunity to review your health habits and lifestyle changes over the past year and conduct screenings and tests and catch up on vaccinations. Most health insurance plans pay for an annual wellness visit with no out-of-pocket cost to you. Source Link
Exercising to lose weight isn’t just a matter of sweating off those pounds. Studies show the longer you exercise the more fat you’ll burn but shorter high-intensity interval training can cut your appetite so you eat less. Exercise builds calorie-burning muscle so try short and longer workouts to see which works best for you. Source Link
Most of us need to eat more fruits and vegetables but you don’t have to adjust your meal menus to get those five to seven servings a day. Snacking on fresh fruit or raw vegetables could satisfy your nutritional needs, but cooking tomatoes, sweet potatoes or carrots provides the most nutrients from those vegetables. Source Link