October 10, 2019

There’s a downside to those reusable shopping bags. Testing showed that almost all used bags contained bacteria that can contaminate food and make you sick. The solution is to wash a cloth bag in hot water every two weeks and wipe down plastic bags with a disinfectant. It’s also a good idea to pack meats and raw foods in separate bags. Source Link 

When it comes to the effects of screen time on kids, it may not be how long but what’s on. New research found that overall time wasn’t an issue but lots of TV watching and video games were linked to poorer grades in children. Parents need to be aware of what’s on and provide strong guidelines about when, where and how kids use their screen time. Source Link 

A quick shot of hand sanitizer may not protect you from the flu virus. In a test, it took four minutes of exposure to hand sanitizer to kill one of the most common influenza viruses in a wet sneeze. It’s better to simply step to the sink because washing hands with anti-bacterial soap killed the virus in just 30 seconds. Source Link