September 22, 2020

 It’s a fact -- plain water is better than sports drinks for your young athlete. Most children don't exercise hard enough to need a sports drink with extra salt and sugar that can put them at risk for weight gain and tooth decay. Some drinks also contain caffeine and other stimulants that aren’t good for kids. Source Link 

Don’t waste your grocery budget by storing fresh produce improperly. Broccoli goes in the fridge in a closed produce bag, as do carrots, eggplant and zucchini and store spinach in a closed produce bag lined with a paper towel. Tomatoes are stored on a counter and not in the fridge and onions should go in a cool, dark spot. Source Link

It’s using the carrot instead of the stick to help you lose weight -- try bribing yourself to shed those pounds. You could put a dollar in a jar that's the money you saved by eating less and then buy yourself a non-food item at the end of every month. Testing showed that adults were willing to eat less for the chance to win a prize like a gift card. Source Link