September 30, 2020

 The Centers for Disease Control has an online Coronavirus Self-Checker that can help you decide when to seek testing or medical care. This mobile-friendly tool asks a series of questions to provide recommended actions and resources. Go to and search “coronavirus self checker.” Source Link 

A morning routine can help you have a better day. Doing something routinely after you wake up calms the decision-making part of your brain that also controls anxiety. Your routine could be eating the same thing for breakfast or waking up, exercising or walking the dog at the same time every day. Source Link 

It’s a question you should never answer if you hear it in a phone call from an unknown number. Scammers will ask “Can you hear me?” to get you to answer “Yes” and a recording of that one word could be used to approve unauthorized charges. Don’t respond but hang up immediately and don’t answer calls from unknown numbers. Source Link