November 12, 2020

 Dealing with a child’s tantrum involves reaction and prevention. Move to a quiet place because the situation can escalate in public view. Comfort them and find out if they’re hungry or tired. You can also teach your child the kind of mindful breathing that adults use to refocus and try to avoid situations that cause stress and can lead to a tantrum. Source Link 

The physical strain that comes from too much screen time might be cured in the blink of an eye. Typically, a person blinks about 30 times per minute but that can drop to just a few times per minute when focusing on a screen. One solution might be the “20-20-20” rule -- every 20 minutes, look away from the screen for 20 seconds at something that’s 20 feet away. Source Link 

Taking some simple precautions can help you avoid home accidents. Use a can opener instead of a knife to cut through clamshell plastic packaging and keep kitchen knives sharp because a dull knife is more likely to slip. Dial down your water heater to 120 degrees to avoid scalding accidents and wear long pants and close-toed shoes when mowing the lawn. Source Link