December 7, 2020

 Here’s how to craft a perfect response to that caustic office email without risking your job. Open your word processor and take a few minutes to let loose with all your feelings and then save that document to a special folder. Return to the folder later to read the reply and others that you’ve saved to remind you of mistakes that were avoided by not hitting “Send.” Source Link 

Self-care is something you can do for your finances. Track your income and expenses and monitor bank accounts regularly to understand where your money goes. Look for self-help books or podcasts on personal money management and create realistic short and long-term financial goals for paying off debt and building your savings. Source Link 

It’s an important question when you’re feeling sick -- is it a cold, the flu or COVID? A common cold usually hits your head with a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing and sinus congestion while the flu and COVID can also include fever, shortness of breath, weakness or nausea. One thing that’s often seen with COVID is a loss of taste or smell. Source Link