Don’t let a popular holiday shopping offer lock you into high-interest debt. Many store credit cards offer no interest on balances that are paid within a certain time, but those charges will be added in full if you miss the payoff deadline by one day or just a few dollars. Store cards can charge interest rates that are double those of regular credit cards. Source Link
Eating most of your calories early in the day as part of a healthy diet probably won’t improve weight loss. Researchers found that people who ate mostly before 1 pm and others who had half of their calories after 5 pm lost about the same amount of weight and both groups had decreased blood pressure. Source Link
For some it seems like a problem but there’s evidence to show that wearing a face mask doesn’t deprive you of oxygen. Test subjects wore pulse oximeters that measure oxygen levels in your blood. They found the same oxygen levels for people when they were wearing a face mask and when they were without one. Source Link