Do you want your credit card to be a rewarding experience or a dollars and cents deal? It depends on how you use it. Rewards credit cards are good for people who pay off their balance each month and those who carry a balance are better off with the lowest interest rate. Surveys have shown that nearly half of Americans don’t understand the basics of credit cards. Source Link
Now’s the time to think about renewal of your government-backed flood insurance. That’s because two out of three policy holders are likely to pay more after October 1st when new rules take effect. You can avoid those increases for one year or even take advantage of lower rates by renewing your policy before October. Source Link
That dryer sheet you may find in your mailbox isn’t some kind of prank, so leave it there. Postal carriers often put a dryer sheet in a mailbox to keep stinging insects from lurking inside. The fragrance that smells so good on freshly-dried clothes is a real turn-off for wasps and yellow jackets. Source Link