January 5, 2022

 If joining a gym to get in shape is one of your New Year’s resolutions, be sure to have the best deal for your exercise dollars. Always get a one-day or one-week free trial before you become a member and ask for one free training session. And beware of the smoothie bar because they’re usually overpriced and have lots more calories than you need after a workout. Source Link 

When should small children go without a coat in winter? When they’re in a car seat. Puffy coats or snowsuits can flatten on impact during an accident and loosen the seat straps so that your child slips out. Dress children in layers and use a blanket or coat over the car seat after they’re safely strapped in. Source Link 

Keeping a loved one with dementia safe means thinking about meals, wheels, bills and pills. Plan meals that don’t require using an oven or stove and keep them from driving but arrange other dependable transportation. Monitor finances to ensure they pay their bills and don’t fall victim to a scam and manage medications with a pillbox that can prevent accidental overdosing. Source Link