Buying hamburger in bulk can save money and there’s an easy way to store it in the freezer. Separate the meat into one-pound portions and seal each in a medium-sized freezer bag. Now use a rolling pin to flatten it and you’ll have an easy-to-stack package that also defrosts faster because it’s flat. Source Link _
It might seem like a contradiction but drinking coffee can help you take a better nap. Pinpoint the afternoon time when you start to lag, find a quiet spot behind a closed door or on the couch, drink a cup of coffee and set a timer for 25 minutes before you start to nap. The caffeine will begin to wake you up in about 20 minutes and you won’t feel groggy after your mid-day shuteye. Source Link
They’re fun to use but those emojis you put in a work email may have a hidden cost. Researchers found that people who used emojis in emails were seen by recipients as less powerful than those who stick to words. The same was true for people who used pictures in their email. Source Link _