April 25, 2022

 Shopping online is easy - and maybe too easy to avoid overspending - so here are some simple savings tips. Follow your favorite retailers on social media for discount offers and take advantage of deals through your credit card provider. You can also limit spending by purchasing a gift card for the amount you can afford and use only that for shopping. Source Link 

What’s the best way to wash fruits and vegetables? Smooth-skinned fruits like apples or pears can be rinsed with water and dried with a clean towel when you bring them home but other items should be washed just before eating to prevent bacteria growth. And submerging leafy vegetables in water might increase the risk of contamination. Source Link 

A morning routine can help you have a better day. Doing something routinely after you wake up calms the decision-making part of your brain that also controls anxiety. Your routine could be eating the same thing for breakfast or waking up, exercising or walking the dog at the same time every day. Source Link