June 28, 2022

 Doing your part for the environment doesn’t require you to swap your car for a bike, switch to all-solar energy or recycle everything. Cutting your daily shower time by just one minute would save thousands of gallons of water a year. You could also stop using disposable products and keep a few plastic bags in your car so you don’t use more of them with every grocery trip. Source Link

Seniors who notice that they’re walking slower should see a doctor to look for signs of dementia. A slower walking speed may be a sign of shrinkage in the part of the brain that handles learning, memories and the ability to find your way around. Exercise such as brisk walking, swimming or cycling might help stop that brain shrinkage and improve memory skills. Source Link

What does it mean to have your home fully insured? Most policies include a dollar amount for repair or replacement costs but there are some big exceptions. You’ll probably need a separate policy for flood insurance and expensive items require an add-on called a rider. This could be jewelry and other pricey collections or all that computer equipment in your home office. Source Link_