June 9, 2022

 Here’s a safety tip you can count on every time you fly. Make note of the number of rows between you and the nearest exit. Now you can reach out and count the seats by touch as you pass them to make it to the exit in the dark, in a smoke-filled cabin or even if the plane is in the water. Source Link 

When your budget is hit by inflation it’s important to look for smart ways you can save money. Don’t pay a monthly service fee for a checking account or fees for using an out-of-network ATM. Review credit card statements and cancel any services you don’t use. And hit the pause button for 24 hours before purchasing something big that’s on sale to see if that excitement about getting a deal wears off. Source Link_

Your brain might benefit from a vacation getaway that doesn’t involve travel. In a test, people who stayed off social media for a week gained about nine hours of free time and improved their mental well-being. Other research has shown that taking a brief break from TikTok, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter can ease symptoms of depression and anxiety. Source Link_