Don’t let a popular holiday shopping offer lock you into high-interest debt. Many store credit cards offer no interest on balances that are paid within a certain time, but those interest charges will be added in full if you miss the payoff deadline by one day or just a few dollars. Store cards can charge interest rates that are double those of regular credit cards. Source Link
If a long workout isn’t your thing, how about an activity snack? Researchers found that taking a quick walk or doing squats after you eat may help retain muscle mass as you age because moving helps you use the food you’ve eaten to build muscle. The small spurts of activity should be in addition to the recommended 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week. Source Link_
You can insure your car, your home and your life, but what about an upcoming wedding? Special event insurance can protect you from financial loss if your nuptials are unexpectedly canceled. And special event liability coverage could kick-in if you’re found responsible for damage or injury at the wedding or reception. Source Link_