If you have a traditional IRA this could be a great time to switch and save on taxes. Converting to a Roth IRA and paying taxes now could cost you less than doing it later. That’s because it’s unlikely that individual tax rates will drop any lower in the years to come when Congress will have to deal with ballooning budget deficits. Source Link
Call it the “Comic Sans” technique for total recall. Research has shown that people can remember something better that’s written in a weird font. You can also use a larger type size or put it in boldface. The harder the text is to read, the more you concentrate on it, and the easier it is to remember. Source Link_
The health benefits of stopping smoking can start just moments after you take that last puff. In 20 minutes, your heart rate and blood pressure begin to drop, and blood carbon dioxide levels normalize in a few days. And in a few weeks, blood circulation improves and lung function increases. Source Link_