Can you improve comprehension by taking 10 after a lesson? Researchers found that people who rested quietly for 10 minutes after learning something improved their ability to remember fine details. Sleep relaxes the synapses in your brain to improve the neuroplasticity that’s necessary to build memory. Source Link
The unreality of social media can take a toll on body image, and here are some ways to stop the cycle. Identify the posts that make you feel bad and stop following them. Pick one day a week to take a break from devices and social media in order to reset yourself, and turn off notifications and set daily limits on the time you’ll spend on social media. Source Link_
The same personal care tool that gives you smoother skin can tackle a pet lover’s nightmare in the car. Rubbing a pumice stone along car seats and carpeting will remove pet hair quickly. And don’t worry about needing to clean the stone because it rolls hair into a ball that can be picked up easily. Source Link_