October 9, 2024

Getting your preschooler to eat more fruits and vegetables shouldn’t be a stealth operation. Sneaking healthy ingredients into a dish won’t help your child learn to enjoy them. The better approach is to offer a variety of fruits and vegetables in whole form when they’re younger so they can learn to appreciate those tastes as they get older. Source Link 

Keeping your address off the Internet is a smart security step. When you find your address in a Google search, go to “Manage Your Google Account,” select “Data and Privacy,” “History Settings,” and “My Activity.” Choose “Other Activity” and scroll down to “Results About You” to alert Google to remove the address information. Source Link 

Beans are a natural superfood with many health benefits. They’re packed with protein and complex carbohydrates, have higher levels of potassium that can help control blood pressure and are high in fiber. If you use dry beans, soak them in water overnight to draw out some of the gas-producing compounds. Source Link