Exercise shouldn’t put your health at risk and you can avoid injuries by making the right choices. If you have trouble with balance, swimming may be safer than running and arthritis sufferers should avoid high-impact exercise that can put more stress on joints. An exercise class instructor can help you modify movements to safeguard against injury. Source Link
A simple swallow might be the easiest way to relieve pressure in your ears during takeoff and landing on a plane. Have a water bottle handy and take a few sips, try chewing gum, or even forcing a yawn. The one thing you should never do is plug your nose and blow hard to pop your ears. That could damage your eardrums. Source Link_
Practice can make perfect when helping your child learn to become more independent. Pick a task, explain the steps and try a dry run. Watch your child perform the task and only step in if things go completely wrong. This can teach them problem solving as well as how to perfect the task themselves. Source Link_