Not all debt is created equal. A mortgage lets you build wealth through rising home values and a student loan for an education to get a good job will pay off with much more in lifetime earnings. But debt from credit card balances you can’t pay off every month or an auto loan or lease every few years will have you spending more instead of living within your means. Source Link
A specific way of breathing might help keep your stomach from feeling the effects of stress or anxiety. Try taking deep breaths from your diaphragm that expand your abdomen. This activates the autonomic nervous system and makes your GI tract less sensitive to stimuli that could cause an upset stomach. Source Link
It can be tricky to know what to say to a grieving friend. Don’t say, "I can't imagine what you're going through." Instead, acknowledge how difficult it must be and say you’re there to help. Do say, “I don’t have the right words” to show you aren’t avoiding a talk. And never start with, “At least they’re in a better place” or “no longer suffering” because that minimizes the loss. Source Link_