February 24, 2025

You can avoid home WiFi problems starting with your router. Update the firmware, create a strong WiFi password and change the router’s default administrator password. Turn off remote access, create a guest network to keep visitors and smart home devices away from your personal devices, and consider buying a new router if yours is more than three years old. Source Link

Using an air fryer can save time and make meals with less oil, but is it an economical choice for cooking? The power bill to run an air fryer might be only half of what you’d pay for natural gas or electricity to cook the same dish. And there’s more savings because you don’t have to use energy to preheat an air fryer before cooking. Source Link

Road rage is all too common and you can help yourself from becoming that person who’s always angry at other drivers. Don’t drive if you’re upset and keep the car comfortable with the right air temperature and some soothing music. And give other drivers some grace and the benefit of the doubt if you get cut off. Remember times when you’ve done the same thing without thinking. Source Link