February 2, 2011

For tens of millions of Americans, it’s a Groundhog Day they hope they’ll never repeat, with a massive winter storm dropping over a foot of snow on a nearly 2,000-mile swath from the Southern Plains through the Great Lakes and into northern New England. Other areas are coping with thick ice that’s downed power lines, while some Gulf Coast states experienced heavy thunderstorms. Source Link

Red-light cameras may be controversial, but they are also are saving lives, according to a new study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. It says the rate of fatal red-light crashes fell 35% in 14 of the biggest U.S. cities using the cameras. The decrease came even at intersections that are not equipped with the cameras that photograph drivers who run red lights. Source Link

Lacing-up those walking shoes could be the first step to a better memory. A new study shows that walking for 40 minutes three times a week can improve memory in adults 55 and older and help prevent mental decline. Researchers say moderate exercise helps the memory processing section of the brain to expand and offset shrinkage that occurs as we age. Source Link