February 3, 2011

In the wake of a massive winter storm that affected about half of the nation, many can only hope that groundhog Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction of an early spring comes true. Now they’re shivering in temperatures that are 20 degrees or more below normal. In Dallas, Super Bowl fans arriving from Green Bay and Pittsburgh will feel right at home with tomorrow’s forecast for snow showers and a high only in the mid-30’s. Source Link

First, it was newspapers on the web. Now, there’s a national newspaper created just for the world’s most popular tablet computer. The first edition of “The Daily” has rolled off the virtual presses to iPad users. The e-newspaper that’s the creation of publisher Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation includes video, real-time data and social feeds along with stories and photos. Source Link

Health officials are backing away from recommendations that children under the age of three be screened for vision problems. Since 2004, parents have been advised to have young toddlers checked for problems such as lazy eye. But a federal expert panel now says difficulties with testing such young children could lead to false positives and treatments that may not be needed. Source Link