December 3, 2014

Girl Scout cookies are moving online with a new cyber option to sell those Thin Mints and Samoas. Girl Scouts can now sell and ship the cookies to friends and relatives around the country using a website. The program includes a mobile app along with a dedicated page for each girl who sells online. Source Link

It’s an age-old debate -- is it more sanitary to use paper towels on an air dryer in the rest room? Researchers say testing found that air dryers left many more germs floating around the sink area. The latest in high-speed jet-air dryers were the worst offenders and bacteria could be detected up to 15 minutes after its use. Source Link

Is the new  kid on the iPhone block cannibalizing sales of his big brother? This year will be the first with a decline in sales of the Apple iPad, and tablet sales are down for Android models too. Experts blame the popularity of larger phablet phones like the iPhone Plus and the fact the people replace tablets less often than phones. Source Link