December 4, 2014

That midnight snack might be ruining your recall. Scientists who are investigating what happens when we sleep discovered that mice that ate during their normal sleep time scored worse on memory tests. Researchers say people may want to skip that trip to the fridge if they want their memory to work normally the next day. Source Link

The same technique used to remove tattoos could also work to eliminate some scars of adolescence. Laser treatments have been shown to reduce visible signs of acne scarring by up to 50-percent. Test subjects underwent six treatments using a lower-dose laser that’s similar to the type used to remove tattoos. Source Link

Now’s the perfect time to complete a purge that will clean out those old, unused toys before the kids get new holiday gifts. Experts suggest setting a top number of toys and then sorting all of them for those that you’ll keep, hand-down, or donate. A toy purge can be done before every birthday and before the holidays. Source Link