If your plans for the weekend have you planted on the couch, here’s
some food for thought. A study found that lazy weekends are worse for
your weight than sitting on the job all week. You don’t have to give up
all your couch potato time -- an extra 20 minutes of activity helped
people lose two pounds a year. Source Link
have some tips on how to get a better start to your day. Begin by
skipping the snooze button and setting your alarm for the actual time
you need to get up. Move your exercise routine to the morning and sit
down to breakfast for a better morning meal. And look for ways to be
more active on the way to work, like biking, walking or parking further
away. Source Link
a man’s deep voice draw the ladies? Maybe not. A study found that
those dulcet tones had more of an effect on other men than women.
Testing showed that a man’s deep voice demonstrated power and dominance
to other men but didn’t trigger a similar reaction in women. Source Link