November 11, 2016

Is it time to see a lawyer about a trust fund for your beloved dog or cat?  Experts say only a legal document can ensure the care you might expect when you will your pet to someone after you die. That’s because informal vows and promises made by friends and family to care for a pet can often fail. Source Link
What foods are good for healthy snacking? Experts say popcorn, pistachio nuts and hard-boiled eggs can beat those hunger pangs without all the fat and calories. And you don’t have to eat to beat mid-morning hunger because drinking coffee has been shown to lower the levels of appetite-fueling hormones. Source Link
If you like to browse your smartphone or tablet while in bed at night, be sure to get lots of sunlight during the day. Researchers found that people who had plenty of exposure to daylight were less likely to have their sleep disturbed by those glowing screens. The light from smartphone and tablet screens can confuse your internal time clock and make it harder to fall asleep. Source Link