November 7, 2016

Keeping your mouth healthy starts with cleaning the tools of the trade. Experts say you can get rid of bacteria and germs on your toothbrush by rinsing it in an antibacterial mouthwash before and after you brush. Commercial brush sanitizers are also available, but make sure the one you’re using has been approved by the FDA. Source Link
It’s in your hands or near your face dozens of times each day, so how do you keep your smartphone screen clean? A microfiber cloth does a great job, but never use a rough towel or a paper towel that could scratch.  You can use a dab of water or alcohol on your cloth but never spray any liquid cleaner on your smartphone. Source Link
If you want real security online, forget trying to create the perfect password and double up with two-factor authentication. That’s a feature of many websites using a second step of text message or email confirmation when you sign-in on a new device. It also can warn you when someone else is trying to access your online account. Source Link