November 8, 2016

When arguing with your spouse, blowing your top can be bad for your heart, but holding it in is a pain in the neck. A long-term study of couples found that those who got loud and angry tended to suffer from cardiac problems. Those who stonewalled during arguments were more prone to muscular problems like neck and back pain. Source Link
A hefty dose of forgiveness might be the best prescription for a healthier life. A study found that people who were highly forgiving of themselves and others avoided the kind of stress that can lead to physical and mental illness. Researchers say people who are more forgiving may adopt better coping skills to deal with stress. Source Link
Could daytime drowsiness be linked to your snacking habits? Experts say some foods can contribute to those heavy eyelids. Lean proteins such as turkey, chicken and low-fat cheese can boost hormones that cause sleepiness, and refined carbs found in white bread and snack foods can send blood sugar spiking and then crashing, which can leave you feeling sleepy. Source Link