January 12, 2017

What appetizer could help you lose a pound a week? A study found that people who ate a cup of soup before a meal consumed 20 percent less calories. Soup slows down eating and leaves you feeling full longer. For the best results, health experts suggest a smooth soup rather than a chunky style and to avoid soups with heavy cream or cheese. Source Link
People who buy flameless battery-powered candles need to watch for another safety risk. The tiny button batteries that power those candles can be swallowed by children and cause internal injuries. Some flameless candles are packaged with loose batteries and others have battery compartments that can be easily opened. Source Link
It’s the device that we can’t live without, so it’s hard to believe that the smartphone is just 10 years old. This week in 2007 Apple unveiled the first iPhone that revolutionized the way we communicate. Apple has sold over a billion iPhones and it’s believed that the iPhone 8 coming this fall will have more new features to celebrate the 10th anniversary. Source Link