January 11, 2017

Many restaurant kid’s meals offer adult-sized portions of food. Nutritionists say a kid’s meal should be no more than 600 calories but a typical burger was close to 500 calories with french fries adding 300 more, plus 100 calories for milk. Experts say listing calorie counts on menus will help parents make better choices. Source Link
It’s no mystery why a being nail biter is unhealthy. Fingernails harbor dirt and germs or have nail polish  that can cause illness or irritate your gums if swallowed.  Biting your nails also raises the risk of hangnails and painful nail infections, and nail biting can cause your teeth to shift out of place or chip  and break. Source Link
These words of the year may sound familiar if you followed politics in 2016. Members of the American Dialect Society chose “dumpster fire” - a chaotic or disastrous situation - as the top word of the year. Also on their list of notable words for 2016 were “post-truth” and the verb “gaslight” and the euphemism of the year was “locker-room banter.”  Source Link