January 9, 2017

When you’ve resolved to lose weight and eat better, experts say a good strategy is to focus on what you’re adding instead of what you’re giving up. Fill your plate with more fruits and vegetables and add a healthy snack to take to work each day. But ditch those unhealthy foods lurking in your kitchen, glove box or desk. Source Link

Getting kids to brush their teeth doesn’t have to be a chore. Instead of setting a two-minute timer, try playing a fun song or reading a silly story to them as they brush. Don’t ever let kids skip brushing and encourage them by brushing your teeth together and offering rewards for good habits. Source Link
Will Apple offer a helping hand to hang-up on using the iPhone at the movies? Reports say a new feature called Theatre Mode could work like Airplane Mode and also reduce screen brightness. It may even allow you to set it automatically for theatres using GPS. Source Link