December 28, 2017

One simple change to your computer habits could make you a lot safer from hackers. Experts say Windows users can switch from being an Administrator to a Standard user. That will prevent any malicious programs from making changes to your computer. You can create a new Standard user under Accounts from the Settings icon in your Start menu. Source Link
If you’re adding a child to your family phone plan think inexpensive and take control. Offer them a hand-me-down iPhone or a low-cost Android device. Establish ground rules like you get all passwords and can check their phone at any time. And set up parental controls on the phone for kid-safe searches and to limit what apps they can download. Source Link 
Getting the most from your health insurance isn’t something to do only when you’re sick. Many policies include wellness programs to improve your health and help you avoid chronic conditions. Nutrition, smoking cessation, fitness, combating substance abuse and stress management are among the common wellness offerings that are often free or discounted. Source Link