If you’re one of the millions of people who buy or sell items on Craigslist or Facebook there are ways to make the final face-to-face transaction smooth and safe. Experts suggest meeting in the parking lot of a police station or sheriff's department to exchange money. These locations are well lit and usually under video surveillance 24 hours a day. Source Link
How can you lower blood pressure, ease depression, improve digestion and sleep better without medicines or treatments? By practicing meditation. Getting started is simple, too. Sit or lie down for about 5 minutes and let your mind wander without trying to control it. Another technique is to focus on your breathing or stare at an object while you meditate. Source Link
In the battle against Alzheimer’s and memory loss, joining the fight early is important and your heart is a good place to start. Experts say the same seven steps that promote heart health can protect the brain. They include losing extra weight, eating a healthy diet, managing blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar, getting physically active and not smoking. Source Link