September 20, 2018

Taking a low-dose aspirin to protect against a heart attack may not help healthy seniors. A study found that the danger of stomach bleeding outweighed any benefits for those who had not suffered a heart attack or had other risk factors. Taking a low-dose aspirin has been shown to protect against a second heart attack. Source Link 
Is your digital world prepared for an attack? Experts say it’s easy to safeguard your computers and mobile devices with free or inexpensive programs to back up data and create and store strong passwords. Be sure to allow automatic updates of software and review which apps you don’t use that can be deleted from your phone. Source Link 
Making fitness a habit takes some lifestyle changes. Decide what you’ll cut back on, like TV watching or web surfing, to make the time to exercise. If you go to a gym or workout at home look at what time of day fits best for you. And find ways to add exercise to everyday life such as walking with the whole family. Source Link