December 4, 2018

How do you beat the battle of the bulge as a host or a guest at a holiday party? If you’re hosting offer healthy fruit and vegetable dishes or bring a vegetable dish if you’re a guest. And remember that a holiday party shouldn’t be an “all you can eat” challenge. Take smaller first portions and go back for seconds only if you’re still hungry. Source Link_
For the best use of antibiotics, ask about what type is being prescribed. Some that attack a broad spectrum of disease-causing bacteria may not be necessary and could lead to drug resistance. And be sure testing has shown that an antibiotic is needed before it’s prescribed. Source Link 
You don’t need a closetful of them, but your feet will thank you if you don’t wear the same shoes every day. That can cause fatigue and pain because you’re always using the same areas of the foot for support and walking. Have a few pairs of comfortable shoes and rotate them throughout the week. Source Link_