January 25, 2019

How can you “clearly” improve the look of your refrigerator and maybe your waistline too? Put small items like yogurt cups in clear plastic bins so they don’t get lost in the back of a shelf. And keep fresh fruit and raw vegetables up front in a clear container so you can see your way to healthy snacking. Source Link 
It’s an old debate in the world of recycling - do you really need to rinse out items? Experts say a quick water rinse or just a shake and a wipe with a paper towel works fine. If you recycle paper, cans and jars together make sure any leftover food isn’t dripping on the paper. Source Link 
There’s hope if you have a “black thumb” and are always killing houseplants. Start simple and avoid those that flower and know what’s too much or too little water for your plant. Check instructions to see if it needs direct or indirect sun and don’t be quick to toss that sick plant if all it needs is some extra care. Source Link_